Wednesday, May 30, 2007

BES 4.x Out of Office Agent Integration Breaks when Mailfile owner set to Editor in ACL (Update: Fixed in 4.1 SP5!!!)

Do you use the Out of Office functionality that is integrated into the BlackBerry? It's a wonderful feature, unless you have followed IBM's recommendations on security and limited your mailfile access to Editor.

How could this possibly affect the Out of Office agent usage from the BlackBerry you ask? Well let me tell you it took me quite awhile to figure this out. I'll start from the beginning.

The Out of Office agent is an agent that runs in your mailfile, and when enabled responds to people who send you mail while you are out. In versions of Domino prior to R6 "Manager" mailfile access was required in order to enable this agent. A specific field "$AssistFlags" in the agent was set to "E" to signify that the agent was enabled, and the "E" was removed from this field to signify that the agent was disabled.

For Domino R6 and later, however, a mechanism was put into place which allowed an organization to ratchet down user level access to Editor, which tightened up security and also reduced helpdesk calls about users deleting their own mailfiles and other ridiculous things that happen when users have too much power.

However, with Editor access users would no longer be able to enable / disable their out of office agents. A workaround was developed - a complex one which I will try not to go into here in too much detail - which allowed for the AdminP process to assign this access to the user. This involved adding a field called "$AssistFlags2" (creative, no?) to the agent.

The purpose of this flag was to tell R6 clients and above whether the agent was enabled or disabled, regardless of whether the "E" was in the older "$AssistFlags" field. New agent icons were added, so now instead of seeing only a checkmark to signify enabled or a red circle-X to signify disabled, you would now see an additional "check-5" icon.

This "check-5" icon signifies that the agent is enabled for R5 and below, but disabled for R6 and above! Yes I know this is ridiculous but that is how software coding is sometimes.

The fields would be set as follows (you can ignore the small "s" in $AssistFlags, I am not sure what that is for but appears to be unrelated to the agent status):

$AssistFlags = Es
$AssistFlags2 = D

These field settings mean that the agent is disabled for R6 and later, who know to check the $AssistFlags2 field for the real status, but enabled for prior versions that didn't know about the $AssistFlags2 field and ignored it, using the "E" in $AssistFlags.

The problem here is that the BES server acts as if it were an R5 or prior Notes client in this regard. When enabling or disabling the agent, it adds or removes an "E" from the $AssistFlags field, and completely ignores the $AssistFlags2 field.

Assuming the AdminP process has run properly the first time and setup your Editor level OOO agent access, the consequences of this are the following:

1) OOO is currently disabled, the agent icon shows a "check-5", and the fields are set to :

$AssistFlags = Es
$AssistFlags2 = D

2) A user enables the OOO agent from the BlackBerry. The BES server attempts to set the $AssistFlags field to "E", sees that it is already there, and then does nothing. The BES server does not, however, remove the "D" from $AssistFlags2, so we have the same result:

$AssistFlags = Es
$AssistFlags2 = D

The R6 Domino Mail server will use the "D" value and not run the agent, the Lotus Notes R6 client will also see the "D" value and show the agent as disabled, yet the BlackBerry shows that it is enabled. So we have a remote user who thinks the agent is activated, gets back into the office 2 weeks later, and discovers that it never sent a single message out. Bad!

Another issue comes into play as well, in the following sequence of events:

1) OOO is currently disabled, the agent icon shows a "check-5", and the fields are set to :

$AssistFlags = Es
$AssistFlags2 = D

2) OOO is enabled by the Lotus Notes R6 client, which leaves the $AssistFlags field alone but removes the $AssistFlags2 field. This change now shows the agent icon as a "check", and the fields are set to:

$AssistFlags = Es
[$AssistFlags2 field deleted]

2) A user disables the OOO agent from the BlackBerry. The BES server removes the "E" from the $AssistFlags field, however it does NOT create/populate the $AssistFlags2 field with a "D" to tell R6 clients that the agent is disabled.

$AssistFlags = s
[$AssistFlags2 field still missing]

3) The next time the user enables the OOO agent using the Lotus Notes R6 client, an interesting thing will happen, it will kick off the AdminP process once again to enable the agent for Editor level access. You see the familiar blue text and the enabling of the agent requires a delay to implement.

I believe it does this because the BES, when disabling the agent, for some unknown reason also clears the "Run on Behalf of" field, which is needed to allow the agent to run as the user:

In addition to this, when AdminP finally processes the request, grants the access, and enables the agent, the BES server does not pick up this change, for reasons which escape me at this point.

So the result of this sequence is an OOO agent that is enabled on the mail server, shows as enabled on the R6 Notes client, but shows as disabled on the BlackBerry device. This is also bad.

Here is what I believe needs to be done to resolve these issues:

1) Modify the BES server logic such that it acts like an R6 client, that is aware of the $AssistFlags2 field and modifies it instead of (or in addition to) the outdated R5 $AssistFlags field. Of course this might necessitate the minimum Domino mail server level be at R6 or higher, but since we are coming up on R8 and even R6 support is expiring, I don't see this as a huge issue.

2) Ensure the BES server logic does not clear the "Run on Behalf Of" agent field when disabling the OOO agent.

3) Ensure that changes made to the OOO agent by the AdminP process are picked up by the BES server, such that the Domino Mail Server/Notes Client and the BlackBerry device are always in sync as to the status of the OOO agent.

Until these issues are addressed, I see no easy way of programmatically blocking my users from using the OOO functionality on the BlackBerry device, which results in the above issues. My last resort is to send a mass email saying that the BlackBerry OOO feature (which people love) is broken and to always use the Notes client. Unfortunately this will result in higher helpdesk calls, since we always have people leave the office who forget to enable their OOO and end up calling us to enable it for them.

If anyone out there can shed additional light on this issue or possible workarounds, feel free to let me know. I am also actively working on this with RIM, and hope to have it recreated in their environment and logged as an SDR so that it may be addressed in a future service pack.


Familyman said...

Great summary - I wish I would have found that 2 days ago --> it took me some hours analysing to come exactly to the same conclusion you came.
Just one more thing - There is also the possibility of the value E in the $AssistFlags2 to which means "activated for Notes 6 and higher" even if the $AssistFlags do not have the "E".

Looking forward to continue reading the blog ...

Sergio Bascon said...

I couldn't agree more with dghnfgi. We are still having heated complains about the OOO from users.... :(

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